Aesthetic body medicine

Where a person’s face looks timeless and young, the body should also follow. To preserve it at its best – but also for purely well-being and health reasons – it is necessary to strictly follow a discipline of physical activity, correct nutrition and daily personal care. For everything else, Image Regenerative Clinic is there for you.
At Image you can undertake the restoration of those aesthetic characteristics that time has altered. “Regener-Age” is the word we like to think of as a mantra for an era of global rejuvenation, in which face and body run on the same calendar, and we find custom solutions for each patient to fully stay in one’s own age – both true and perceived.
How can you reshape your body? Aesthetic medicine can help you reach your goal in a significant way, allowing you to achieve reasonable objectives with the most modern and sophisticated techniques, as well as ever more specialized and effective equipment & machinery. And at Image Regenerative Clinic, the most important thing is, always, the patient’s safety, comfort and naturalness of the results.
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