Facial asymmetry

A slightly asymmetrical face does not necessarily represent an aesthetic problem, indeed it can be even more interesting precisely because of this characteristic. However, some facial asymmetries can be unpleasant for the patient.

It could be one eyebrow higher than the other, a more receding cheekbone, a smaller or larger half of the mouth, or a smaller nose, etc. Facial asymmetries of a congenital nature are generally small, but in some cases, they can derive from dental malocclusion, trauma or musculoskeletal problems.

Where asymmetry is so evident as to become a justified cause of aesthetic concern, there is a whole range of solutions to restore harmony to the face.

Treatments for face asymmetries

Small asymmetries due to emptied areas or a depression can be corrected with hyaluronic acid cross-linked fillers, which allow to change the volumes, and therefore also the proportions between the different elements of the face.

Even more suitable for filling empty areas is Lipogems®. Patented by Professor Carlo Tremolada, it is used all over the world for the regeneration of cartilage and is internationally considered the most advanced system for the use of adipose tissue also in aesthetics. In addition to having a much longer lasting yield than any filler in terms of time (we are talking about years), it “works” in the treated area, continuing to regenerate the tissues.

If, on the other hand, the asymmetry is given by facial expressions where a muscle is stronger than the corresponding one, or where there is a small partial paralysis, the most valid procedure is the botulinum toxin, which helps to relax the involved fascia, allowing to restore the balance between the two halves of the face.

Another methodology could be traction threads, generally used for non-surgical lifting: they can be used to correct asymmetries in different areas of the face.

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