Skin neoformations removal

The skin is extremely sensitive and can undergo disagreeable changes. The friendly tool of all (or almost all) skin neoformations is the laser, if used with skill. With the latest generation lasers, it is in fact possible to remove small benign skin lesions such as warts, cysts, lipomas, fibromas, seborrheic and actinic keratoses, pendulous fibroids or eyelid xanthelasmas, without applying any stitches.

Interventions for the removal of skin neoformations

These are simple interventions, which do not require hospitalization, and allow for the immediate return to social life. Professor Carlo Tremolada has experimented and consolidated since 1997 (Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 1997) a technique to minimize scarring. This technique, adopted all over the world, is called Round Block and is particularly suitable for the removal of skin growths on the face.

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