Aesthetic and reconstructive surgery

Aesthetic surgery is the main tool of contemporary regeneration. The most innovative interventions, minimally invasive surgical techniques, the evolution of the use of the scalpel – but not only that – make the horizons of modern surgery as infinite as the needs of the aesthetic research of the third millennium. With its two operating theaters, equipped with state-of-the-art machinery and managed by a first-rate medical staff directed by Prof. Carlo Tremolada, Image Regenerative Clinic cosmetic surgery center, in Milan, is the first multidisciplinary center in Italy to offer the patient a global vision of individual regeneration opportunities.

A nose that does not allow you to breathe properly, a breast that makes you feel uncomfortable due to its shape or size, a face that does not tell the true story of the person or makes you feel uncomfortable in some way: The range of reasons for turning to the surgeon are myriad, as are the innumerable solutions that Prof. Tremolada’s team at Image Regenerative Clinic cosmetic surgery center can utilize to achieve your goal.

From reconstructive interventions, with the exclusive use of patented Lipogems®, the procedures offered address the widest aspects of cosmetic surgery for men and women: ex-athletes affected by injury, women aware they are approaching menopause, people who have suffered disabling accidents, or drastic weight loss, young or old with dystrophies, or simply anyone who no longer recognizes themselves with their features or in their body. Starting with an accurate cognitive diagnosis, Image Regenerative Clinic cosmetic surgery center brings together international and constantly updated expertise in order to provide each individual with the right key to achieving their total well-being.

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