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CO2 Laser

Anti-aging regenerative procedure, the Fractional CO2 Laser allows you to counteract multiple blemishes on the face and hands, including fine lines, spots, melasma, acne scars and scars in general.

Ideal for

Fine wrinkles
Skin spots


Thanks to this technology, the light beam is applied to only some points of the treated area, from which tissue regeneration is created – generally after 5-8 days. At the dermal level, the procedure causes the activation of fibroblasts, i.e. those cells responsible for the formation of new collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin. The results, visible after about ten days, have a lasting effect. The remodeling of the dermal matrix induced by Fractional Lasers is enormously amplified when it is combined, in the same session, with the well-known regenerative properties of Lipogems.


The fractionated treatment favors the natural process of cell regeneration, thanks to which blemished skin is replaced by new tissue.

Ideal for

Fine wrinkles
Skin spots