Reforest your head –
Regenerative Transplantation

A unique opportunity to get your hair back with the HST technique, the most effective and least invasive hair transplantation procedure on the planet.
In Italy, only at Image Regenerative Clinic

The reforestation of your hair starts here

Regeneration and self-healing are also a must when we are dealing with hair problems. Image Regenerative Clinic’s approach focuses once again on the absolute awareness of the body’s miraculous self-healing capacity.
Stimulated and properly assisted, our body guarantees health, beauty and well-being over the years. Even when it comes up to the scalp and related problems.

HST is considered the most effective and least invasive transplantation technique today, because it guarantees a regrowth of over 90% in the donor area, and surprising results.

Compared to other microsurgical procedures dedicated to transplantation, such as FUE and microFUE, HST has a competitive advantage because, by using an even smaller needle (0.5/0.6) for the extraction of a follicular unit, it is far more conservative, preserving the donor area while redensifying the recipient part of the scalp as much as possible. After nine months, there will be a visible regrowth of new bulbs in both areas.


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