Oedematous cellulite

More commonly known as cellulite, oedematous cellulite is the first stage of a common skin manifestation, associated with depressions or introflections, in the areas of the hips, buttocks, legs and abdomen, sometimes even the arms. Its medical name is oedematous fibrosclerotic panniculopathy.

Types of cellulite

Cellulite can also be associated with nodules in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, as well as with an inflammatory state, and comes in three different stages, each of which is classified with a technical name:

  • Edematous: this is the reversible stage, characterized by liquid stagnation. It does not have the appearance of the so-called orange peel skin.
  • Fibrous: it is characterized by orange peel skin and small skin depressions, associated with capillary fragility – a symptom of an inflammatory state. This type of cellulite is considered pathological. With constant and targeted treatment programs, it can be treated to obtain partial reversibility and attenuation of the unaesthetic aspects.
  • Sclerotic: this is the most serious stage, therefore the most difficult to treat. It is often painful, especially due to the nodules in the subcutaneous tissue that characterize it, and cause a noticeable retraction of the skin, on which the “mattress” effect is evident. The skin feels cold to the touch. The only solution for this stage is surgery: treatments can certainly mitigate the problem, but not solve it.

Treatments against cellulite

The anti-cellulite treatment par excellence is certainly massage, which offers immediate well-being, stimulating endorphins and circulation.
At Image Regenerative Clinic, anti-cellulite massages are generally performed with Piroche essential oils that are specifically designed for this problem. Furthermore, the experience and excellent dexterity of the therapists who work in the clinic allow them to combine different techniques, customizing them to fit any patient’s need.

Among the various massages, the following are particularly effective:

There are also different anti-cellulite treatments of advanced aesthetic medicine that are carried out with specific equipment.
The most effective solution is always a tailored synergy between different techniques. We recommend again:

  • shock waves, a universally recognized anti-inflammatory treatment that treats all stages of cellulite in a targeted way, this being a real inflammation;
  • body diathermy and, more specifically, capacitive diathermy for oedematous cellulite and resistive diathermy for the fibrous and sclerotic stages;
  • custom Kllod package;
  • body cupping therapy, especially if included in the exclusive Image “Rebalance Your Body” protocol, which combines futuristic bioresonance with cupping sessions with the Lymphodrainer machine.

As far as body aesthetic medicine is concerned, the following are very useful:

Finally, in cosmetic surgery, Professor Carlo Tremolada performs, both during liposuction and as a separate operation, makes incisions aimed at breaking the fibrous bundles that create the “mattress skin”.

Contact us for more information or to book an appointment

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